Exclusive: P2P lending out performs 90% of bond & property funds

November 2, 2018

AltiFi – a leading news site for the alternative finance space recently published research that showed P2P investors are being rewarded for holding exposure to lending originated from peer-to-peer platforms.


Its research found that more than 90 per cent of UK funds investing in bond and direct property have underperformed the UK P2P lending market over the past three years


Using its own Altfi Data UK Lending Returns Index and examining the period 30 June 2015 to 30 June 2018, UK net returns to investors over the three year period were 18.92 per cent for P2P lending. This number was calculated after fees and represents a market share weighted investment across the major platforms.


For more information on AltFi Data’s methodology and to read more of this article, please go to visit AltiFi.com



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